5 Cleaning Tips For Allergy Sufferers

5 Cleaning Tips For Allergy Sufferers

When you suffer from environmental allergies, it may be difficult for you to even open a window, let alone clean your home and stir up dust, dander, pollen, or mold. However, you won’t benefit from allowing allergies to accumulate in your house either. Whether you or someone in your home experiences seasonal or year-round allergy or asthma symptoms, there are ways to lessen the discomfort through proper cleaning to remove allergens. Fortunately, if you have indoor allergies, you don’t have to completely forgo spring cleaning. Here are some quick and easy cleaning tricks you may use right away to lessen allergy discomfort.

Cleaning with Allergies

Clean High to Low

Make sure you’re not merely moving the dust around when you stir it up when cleaning. Work your way down from the topmost points as you begin your spring cleaning. By doing so, you can continue to collect dust as it settles on lower shelves or the floor after dusting the top shelves or sweeping cobwebs from the corners of the ceiling. Floors should be cleaned last. If you suffer from severe allergies, then it is a good idea to hire a reputed house cleaning company.

Reduce Clutter

In addition to thoroughly cleaning your home, spring is an excellent time to give, sell, or discard any items you no longer need or want. Things like trinkets, storage bins, and even excess clothing can gather dust and provide pests like cockroaches and dust mites with more places to hide. Downsizing might make your spring cleaning go more quickly because too much clutter makes it tough to clean around.

Wear Mask and Gloves

When you clean dust-covered surfaces, allergens that are present in the dust are frequently kicked up into the air and end up in your eyes, nose, and mouth. This is why you might have been unable to stop sneezing and rubbing your eyes after cleaning. You might discover that your allergies are far less severe after cleaning if you just put on a mask and gloves (if your skin shows signs of allergy).

Vacuum Regularly

To clean for allergies, make sure to vacuum rather than sweep because brooms create more dust than they remove. It’s recommended to use the vacuum cleaner—along with any necessary attachments—at least twice a week to clean all the furniture and floors in your home. Utilizing a vacuum with a HEPA (small particle) filter is another smart move. These filters are made to capture small dust, dander, pollen, and other particles.

Limit Moisture Inside

Mold is a typical indoor allergen that can be dangerous and grows best in wet environments. As quickly as you can, clear up spills and standing water. When at all possible, keep your home’s humidity below 60%, and use the bathroom fans both during and after a shower or bath. Any apparent mold on bathroom or kitchen surfaces can be removed with soap, water, and some elbow grease. Make sure to properly dry the surfaces afterwards.

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